L'idea è quella di dedicare ogni giorno della settimana ad un tema.
I 've been thinking about how to give a sense to this blog for a few days and I think the best solution for it is to become a sort of diary in which to collect everything I like, such as pictures, blogs, characters or ideas, to make order in my head and make it easier to navigate to anyone who comes to visit!
The idea is to dedicate every day of the week to a theme.
- Inspiration Monday
- Treasury Tuesday
- Writing Wednesday
- Tutorial Thursday
- Friday Finds
- Saturday Diary
Quindi inauguriamo proprio oggi il "Treasury Tuesday" , ovvero la giornata dedicata all'esplorazione del mondo Etsy. Oggi, sorseggiando il mio caffelatte ho preparato una Treasury, ovvero una lista delle cose che più mi piacciono, tutta dedicata ai regali natalizi sotto i $15....in tempo di crisi!!!
So today we inaugurate the "Treasury Tuesday", the day of exploring the Etsy world. Today, sipping my coffe&milk I have prepared a Treasury or a list of the things that I like, all dedicated to Christmas gifts under $ 15 .... in times of crisis!
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From left to right: Lapel flower pin - Red poppy stick hat pin by Ethereal Flowers ; Red Geometric - brooch Hand painted wooden recycled by Pinkrain Shop ; key chain Russian Wooden ecofrendly Doll by LaFiabaRussa ; Ruby red and snow white Cardinal by mingtaphotography ; Red white stripe stud earrings by Lepun ; Red heart love paper cutting card by MarziaS ; Joy word Sign in pink with red glitter by paperklipdesign ; Little Red Cap by NotturnoC ; Origami lotus flower - red by Signoraluna ; Cross stitch red heart cotton pouch - All My Love by Angiolina ; Needle Felted Gnome by felt jar ; Red Heart White Flowers Bookmark by KafciA Vintage Size 6 Red Flats - 1980s Shoes / Hot Red by MaejeanVINTAGE ; Red Van Necklace in free capsule by ChocolateMintCrafts ; Red Tote 1970s by CheekyVintageCloset ; Little Red Riding Vintage Baby Vest by Clementine's Handmade . |
Great finds! Belle idee :D